Friday 30 September 2011

its a family thing

Started work on the second record for 'Gareth Pearson'. Working with family isn't always easy, but we had a great first session. The fruits of our labour will surface very soon. I'll be posting some more pics from the session and some info on the record. For now, enjoy this lovely picture of Gareth, Papa Pearson and I getting in the way of the fantastic SSL desk.

way behind the times...

I know these guys were hip a while back, unfortunately I'm not hip. Every time I went into Diverse Records in Newport the cover for the first album captured my attention; The name, the black and white picture of attractive girls...however I managed to resist. I was a fool. When the second album was released back in March I caught wind of a few tracks. I fell in love. The soft, tracked up vocals over the warm fuzzy guitars grabbed me instantly. I heard echoes of The Cure and Smashing Pumpkins which is all down to the amazing production work of Flood. I instantly ordered both the lps from Fortuna Pop. They are on rotation an awful lot. By 11 month year old loves dancing to them!
On a side note, I could imagine Adam Sandler singing some of these songs in The Wedding Singer. Not because they're synth-tastic, but because they remind me of this humorously tragic solo performance of 'Somebody Kill Me'.
Don't be a fool as I was...get involved.

Long time

So, I haven't posted on here for a long long while. I've been in the grasp of work and the instant gratification that is twitter and facebook. Time to get back into the blogosphere.

Since Feb 2010, the last time I blogged, a lot has changed in my life. In terms of work, I am still as busy as ever. However, homelife is also very exciting with the birth of my daughter Autumn. She really does rule.

I've worked on a great deal over the last year or so, check out my soundcloud for a few tracks. I need to make better use and keep it updated.