Friday, 30 January 2009

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

richard hawley- morrisey cross breed in the baSSSement

today i had the pleasure of working with a richard hawley - morrisey cross breed under the house. the results were outstanding. foppish electronic pop. beautiful.

Friday, 23 January 2009


this is a suhweeeet a-trak remix of the already great 'kilometer' by the beardy sébastien tellier . a little sprinkle of gold here and there doesn't go a miss does it.

Sébastien Tellier - 'kilometer' (a-trak mix)

here's the original as well, y'know - for fun.

Sébastien Tellier - 'kilometer'

it's kicking right off

so, i normally only covet (yearn to posses) nike's on a hourly basis but i cannot get these sneakers out of my head. seriously, i close my eyes and in my right one i see the puma 917 mid popart (in the blue/orange etc) and in the left is the new reebok ex-o-fit hi s.g strap (in black) .

these are some lovely lovely footwear. they will be mine soon. they must.

'alex the hedgehog' cake

alex is made from chocolate and biscuits and biscuits and chocolate. he is a perfect cake for a nephew's birthday. masterchef 2010 i am coming.